Some Stutter, Luh! (en anglais)

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« Some Stutter, Luh! » est le premier podcast terre-neuvien sur le bégaiement. Il vise à déconstruire les mythes, les préjugés, les stéréotypes et les barrières qui y sont associés pour ainsi redonner confiance et espoir aux personnes qui bégaient.

Audrey Bigras, présidente de l’ABC, y a été invitée pour parler de son parcours.

«  In this episode we chat with Audrey Bigras! Audrey is a person who stutters and a member of ABC (Association bégaiement bommunication). She details her personal experiences as a PWS, and highlights some of the concerns and anxieties that accompany stuttering. She addresses some of the social pressures and prejudices of being a person who stutters. Audrey also discusses accepting her stuttering and where she is on her journey to acceptance. On this episode, we also chat with Audrey about how the transition to online due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the increase of phone calls and online video conferences have impacted people who stutter. »

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